‘Rain in 2020’ at the Dharamshala and Kathmandu film festivals

RAIN IN 2020 二○二○年的一場雨, Lee Yong Chao‘s new documentary has been selected for this year’s edition of the Dharamshala International Film Festival.

達蘭薩拉國際電影節不設獎項,它的運作理念是,對好電影的慶祝不需要競爭或市場力量的侵入。 《亞洲時代報》稱該電影節為 “印度的聖丹斯”。
The Dharamshala International Film Festival does not have awards. It operates with the belief that the celebration of good cinema does not require competition of any kind nor the intrusion of market forces.
Newspaper The Asian Age dubbed it “India’s Sundance”.

達蘭薩拉國際電影節每年在McLeod Ganj(麥羅肯機)舉行,這是一個沒有電影院的小鎮,最著名的是達賴喇嘛的流放地,也是主要流亡藏人的主要聚居區之一,被稱為「小拉薩」或「達薩」。
The Dharamshala International Film Festival was started in 2012 by filmmakers and Dharamshala residents, Ritu Sarin and Tibetan director Tenzing Sonam, the founders of White Crane Films. It is held annually in McLeod Ganj, a town with no cinemas which is best known as the exile home of the Dalai Lama.

The Dharamsala International Film Festival attracts the finest indie filmmakers, film critics and film lovers from across the country and from abroad. Focusing on showcasing the best of independent films from India and around the world, the festival has gained a reputation for its eclectic and adventurous programming, its beautiful mountain setting, and its intimate and cinema-literate atmosphere.

The festival will run from 4th to 10th of November.

More info on the festival
Dharamshala International Film Festival 影展片單:

Rain in 2020 has also been selected for the Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival 2021 in the official selection – International Competition.

More info on the
Kathmandu International Mountain Festival

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