Rain in 2020 at festivals

Lee Yong Chao‘s new documentary Rain in 2020 二○二○年的一場雨 , which premiered at the FIRST Film Festival in Xining, China this summer, and for which Tôn Thất An has composed the score, will continue its festival life at the Reykjavic International Film Festival (‘A Different Tomorrow’ section), the Busan International Film Festival (Wide Angle – Documentary) and has been nominated for ‘Best Documentary’ at the Taipei Golden Horse Festival.

RAIN IN 2020 is a seven-year documentary about the struggles of Ah-Tian, a young jade miner in Myanmar, and his family. There are three things that make life difficult for Ah-Tian, who is also director Lee Yong Chao′s younger brother: the torrential rain that turns his house into a mud bath every rainy season, the landslide that killed hundreds of miners, and coronavirus. In a situation where survival, let alone a stable daily life, is not guaranteed, the family often looks exhausted, and in those moments the director has brief yet meaningful conversations with his brother, mother, and young nephews about the power of capital working secretly or overtly underneath this frustrating reality. In the end, the audience comes to perceive a system of exploitation that operates on a national level through the daily life of a single family. The final scene sends a chill down your spine. “
KIM Bo-nyun 

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