
Upcoming projects.
Some will be realised soon, some won’t, some will take years to see the light…

My first literary work. I was approached by Tim Cribs, a writer and editor based in Hong Kong who wants to help promote the new Asian literary wave. He got interested in my work and wanted me to write something. I suggested a book of short stories where the characters would appear from one story to another. All my music comes from life experience, whether mine or others. So I decided to fictionalise it.

Photo exhibition.
A nomadic exhibition in partnership with visual artist and photographer Adrian Feng which will travel across Taiwan: Hsinchu, Taichung, Kaoshiung, Tainan and of course Taipei. I have worked on two themes: people sleeping / people from the back. Photos and video / music installation The first exhibition is to be launched in December 2013 at the GDI association in Taichung.

Chúng tôi muốn sống (We want to live)
Film restoration
Shot in 1956 in Vietnam, this film is the only one that my uncle Vĩnh Noãn directed, but it is an important one: it told about the tragedies under this unsuitable and tyrannical Communist regime. Its success prompted Filipino director and actor Manuel Conde to do a remake the same year.
Our wish is to find the reels and get enough funding to restore the film.


Chamber opera.
Libretto by Pierre Grosz based on the final book by Gérard de Nerval. A journey through creativity, madness, illusions and ideals. Pierre Grosz approached me to present his opera project. He is a well respected lyricist (he has worked with the major French singers) and received praises for the new translation he did of Bartók’s opera Bluebeard’s Castle (he happens to speak fluent Hindi and Hungarian!). An accomplished lover of literature, his long time dream was to write an opera. The plan is to write a few scenes, record and film them.

Contemporary dance
Dance piece by Kristina Berger. The music is done. The choreography is shaping up. She asked me to come up with new music for her young dancers.

Theatre play.
The idea of the play has been in my mind for nearly a decade. This play will be written for two actresses: Jasmine Wang and Isabelle Thomas.

Art installation.
A project initiated by Maria Cristina Madau and curated by the Euopean Community that will be developed in many countries, including France, Italy, Japan, Greece and Taiwan. Maria Cristina came to me for the project and I suggested an art installation. Actually, I had been nurturing an idea since 2007 that I had entitled Sense in the City. The project was to create a space combining architecture, sound and music, design and performing arts which would then be presented as a experimental field for the audience.
Maria Cristina loved the idea. Now waiting for the approval by the European Community. The project should be launched next year and completed in 2015.

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