Ray Kang album

Tôn-Thất An is currently composing and arranging music for 歌詞 Ray Kang‘s debut album 平行的相依 Parallel.
The album is produced by Sam Liao, who previously collaborated with Tôn-Thất An on his award winning album Forgotten West.
Ray Kang is a Taiwanese theatre actor, stand-up comedian and director, who also writes lyrical and politically charged songs about his country.
The musical concept is to turn Ray Kang’s folk-pop melodies into songs arranged for an acoustic ensemble: strings, guitars, piano and percussion, with the addition of bandoneon, accordion, harp and a vocal group on a few songs.
Playing on the album are Tôn-Thất An’s faithful musical companions, Emily Chang (cello), Edric Chang (violin), Allen Wu (percussion), with Achino (accordion, bandoneon) and Kao Chen Pang (guitars).

平行的相依 Parallel is set for a digital release end of December, and a hard copy release beginning of 2020.

A first meeting with Sam Liao and Ray Kang
Kao Chen Pang playing one of his many guitars
Achino at the bandoneon
With violonist Edric Chang
With Achino, and me holding an accordina.
With Guitarist Kao Chen Pang
At work
Ray Kang listening to one first song on which he is to do a tap dance improvisation
Composing at the piano

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